Providing Behavioral Health Services throughout Montgomery County

Family-Based Services

Our Family-Based Services program uses a team-delivered approach that is child-centered and family-focused. Our treatment team offers comprehensive and intensive services to empower your family to care for your child or adolescent. Our goal is to reduce the risk of out-of-home placement and includes strengthening your family, improving coping skills, and being an advocate for your child and your family.

This service is available to families 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Our clinical staff attend ongoing training to complete a three-year curriculum for family therapist certification.  Family-based therapists also attend specialized training to meet the specific needs of families in the Montgomery County area.

The program focuses on:

    • Building family support and cultivating an environment that keeps the child in their home
    • Working with the family to help promote the child’s needs while navigating various services
    • Creating an environment for positive family attachments
    • Developing or strengthening emotional regulation strategies
    • Promoting structure and consistency in the household

    How it works

    This is a voluntary service provided by a team of two clinicians. Duration is typically 32 weeks and requires authorization from your family’s behavioral health care plan.  It requires community or in-home sessions 2-3 times/week with at least 3 hours.  Services are scheduled with your family based on availability. At least one parent or guardian must be willing to participate in the program.

    Family-based services provide:

    • Intensive family therapy conducted in the community or family home
    • 24/7 crisis management
    • Case management services
    • Advocacy for the family


    Family-Based Services program eligibility

    To be eligible for these services, the child experiencing emotional or behavioral health problems must:

    Be age 21 or younger

    Live in Montgomery County

    Have behavioral health insurance coverage through Magellan/Healthchoices/Medicaid

    Be in serious emotional distress or exhibiting behaviors that put them at risk for out-of-home placement through juvenile detention, Office of Children & Youth, psychiatric hospitalization or residential placement as determined by a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist

    Ready for Family Based Services?

    To learn more or request these services, call our Family Services Office at 610-270-0625.

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