Career Center Services
The Career Center provides support through the enhancement of skills and strategies necessary for obtaining and retaining meaningful employment or educational pursuits.
Career Center Services Team
Our team of Certified Peer Employment Specialists have completed a 75-hour training, are certified through the Pennsylvania Certification Board, and obtain a minimum of 20 CEUs each year. Additionally, the staff are trained through the Rutgers Community of Practice for Career Development and Training curriculum.
The Certified Peer Support (CPS) Employment Specialist partners with individuals by instilling hope, and encouraging self-advocacy, self-care and personal responsibility. A CPS Employment Specialist can provide you with assistance and resources while relating your own experiences returning to the workforce or pursuing higher education.
Some of the benefits of Career Center Services include:
- Helps you prepare for returning to the workforce
- Seeking employment
- Health and Wellness
- Developing your resume
Job application assistance - Preparing for interviews
Understanding SSDI benefits when working - Maintenance strategies for health and wellness
- Using educational resources to enhance your job and career prospects
- CPS has partnerships with local businesses for employment opportunities as well as local colleges for educational enhancement.
Career Center success in the past year
Less than 2 months to secure employment from first career center appointment to start of first job .
76% of individuals obtained/retained employment
30 individuals were successfully discharged meeting employment and education goals.
Individuals eligible for peer support services have a serious mental illness with moderate to severe functional impairments in those areas supported by the team as indicated above. Referrals can be initiated by another behavioral health professional, however, a physician, psychiatrist, licensed psychologist or a licensed professional of the Healing Arts (LPC, LCSW, LFMT) will review and recommend this service for the individual. Individuals will have Magellan or County funding to participate in the service.
To learn more, contact our Main Office at 610-277-4600 or our Abington-Area Services Office at 267-818-2220.