Clinical Options Toward Recovery (CORE)

Read the CORE Program’s 2023-2024 Annual Report

Outpatient Integrated Addictions or Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment serving adolescents, adults and families who are affected by substance use or co-occurring substance and mental health disorders.

Treatment Philosophy

The Clinical Options Toward Recovery (CORE) Program’s treatment approach to addictions is holistic in nature, and based on the bio-psychosocial perspective that views substance dependency, co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders, and co-dependency as disease processes. We recognize that overcoming addiction is not a question of moral fiber or innate will power, but rather reflects a more complex developmental process of education, insight, behavioral change, and more importantly, a commitment to a new way of living. Treatment incorporates a strong emphasis on supportive individual and family psychotherapy. In addition, psycho-education coupled with an equally focused commitment to a 12 Step Philosophy offers individuals a structured environment that is designed to empower them to regain control of their lives. The CORE Program is firmly committed to helping those who suffer from addiction, co-dependency, and co-occurring disorders to achieve stability and abstinence, and to eventually rebuild healthy and fulfilling lives.

CORE is staffed by highly experienced professionals, including Certified Addictions Counselors, Licensed Master Level Social Workers, Licensed Professional Counselors, and Psychiatrists.

What Services Are Provided?

  • Comprehensive drug and alcohol assessments are performed by experienced Addictions Counselors to determine specific treatment needs.
  • Outpatient Therapy (Individual, Family, Couples). Professional, confidential counseling is provided for individuals with drug and alcohol related issues and/or mental health disorders.
  • Co-Occurring Disorders. All of the above services are provided for individuals who have co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders.
  • Psychiatric Evaluation and Monitoring. Psychiatrists are on staff to evaluate the psychiatric needs of individuals with co-occurring disorders. Psychiatric Services include prescribing and monitoring medication when appropriate.
  • Our staff provides referrals to a wide range of services in the community.

How Much Does It Cost?

The CORE Program accepts Medical Assistance and many other insurance companies that provide coverage for outpatient substance abuse treatment. If you are a member of an HMO you can find out if you are eligible for services in CORE by calling your insurance company. We offer a sliding fee scale for individuals without insurance coverage.

Who To Call?

For more information or an appointment: Call (610) 279-9270 and ask for a CORE Intake Worker. All inquiries are confidential.

OASIS Program

OASIS is a partial hospital program tailored to meet the needs of the older adult with behavioral health and co-occurring challenges.  Special focus is placed on both problems arising from the aging process and the wisdom resulting from a multitude of life experiences. The OASIS program aims to implement interventions through various modalities and to maximize and improve an individual’s emotional, behavioral and physical health. In addition, the program works with older adult clients to assist as they develop and restore their resiliency and achieve personal fulfillment. Our goal is to help older adults prevent premature institutionalization by supporting the individual in living as independently as possible within the community.  OASIS utilizes treatment approaches to reduce symptoms and behaviors that are troublesome and distressing for both the individual and the caregiver.  Our program and staff promote a sense of independence, self-reliance and well-being.  We help the individual create an ongoing network of community supports. Our therapeutic groups are designed to meet these goals, increase social interaction and improve the individual’s sense of self-worth and competence.  Additionally, each person is assigned a therapist who develops an individualized plan which is the focus of treatment and is regularly reviewed with the individual.  Each person’s unique treatment plan is also overseen by the OASIS Program psychiatrist, who develops an appropriate medication intervention and maintains a link with involved general medical practitioners.

Treatment at OASIS is addressed in a 6-hour therapeutic day which may be attended from 1 to 3 days a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday). Group therapy topics include: Personal recovery issues, Grief and loss, Improving depression, Maintaining sobriety and stability, Exercise for the mind, Reminiscing group, Physical wellness, Wellness through art, Social Skills group, Wellness through music, and more!


Individuals interested in the OASIS program will first complete an intake assessment in our Outpatient facility. Individuals must be at least 60 years of age or older, living in eastern or central Montgomery County, have a history of behavioral health issues/substance abuse or use and experiencing difficulty due to increase in symptoms, have the ability to interact with others and participate in a group therapy environment, ambulatory and able to manage their physical needs with minimal assistance. Call our Outpatient & Intake Services office to schedule your confidential intake appointment today.


Central’s Main Office

Transition to Independence Process (TIP)

Life is a journey, but you don’t have to do it alone. If you are between the ages of 16 to 26, Central’s TIP Program can help navigate the road towards independence. TIP is an empirically supported model developed to work with young people experiencing emotional and/or behavioral difficulties.  TIP works to engage and support young people with the planning process for their future across five transition domains; Educational Opportunities, Living Situation, Employment and Career, Community Life Functioning, and Personal Effectiveness and Wellbeing.

TIP provides a great deal of flexibility and works to engage young people through relationship development, person-centered planning, and a focus on the young person’s future.  Services and supports are tailored to be accessible, appealing, non-stigmatizing, and developmentally appropriate, and will build upon strengths to support the young people in pursuing their goals across the five transition domains.  Personal choice and social responsibility are acknowledged and developed, and personal competencies will be enhanced to support the young people in greater self-sufficiency and confidence.  TIP will work to ensure that a safety net of support to include informal and formal key players in the young person’s life will be in place.  TIP will maintain an outcome focus and will involve young people, parents, and community partners at the practice, program, and community levels.  TIP provides frequent contact with the youth, typically weekly.

Central Behavioral Health Brochure – Transition to Independence Process

More information can be found at


Adolescents and young adults ages 16-26 with emotional and/or behavioral health needs, who have a mental health disorder and medical assistance will be eligible.

Anyone can make a referral on behalf of the young person utilizing the TIP Referral Form.  It is encouraged that the referral be discussed with the young person to ensure that they are interested in exploring TIP services.

TIP works collaboratively with all other key players involved in the young person’s life.  Certain services, including Case Management (Recovery Coaching, BCM, D&A ICM), High Fidelity Wraparound, RTF, Therapeutic Foster Care, Family Based Services, ACT, and MST are considered a duplication of services with TIP.  However, each young person’s needs will be evaluated, and exceptions may be made based on those needs.


Contact Central to get set up with a TIP facilitator at our Child & Young Adult Services office. For your convenience please reference the TIP Facts Sheet and TIP Referral.

MY LIFE MONTCO is a fun and inspiring group for youth between the ages of 13 and 23 who have experience with mental health, substance use, foster care, and/or other challenges.

MY LIFE’s monthly events feature inspirational speakers, uplifting entertainment, fun activities, free food and information on a variety of topics important to youth. Check-out the next My Life event Stay at Home with MyLife Event


Child & Young Adult Services

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

The Intensive Outpatient Program is a group therapy program for people with persistent or recurrent co-occurring disorders that require a more intensive level of care due to symptoms. This could be due to an acute phase of the disorder and/or crisis or transition from an inpatient facility to a community setting. The program is tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual, especially those with co-occurring challenges (behavioral health issues and substance use/abuse history). In an effort to target the various needs of our diverse population of individuals, we have developed several IOP tracks. These tracks are General Adult Population, Life Skills Enhancement, and Co-occurring IOP and includes group therapy topics that were developed to help those individuals move closer towards their identified goals. A consumer can choose to attend one group per week or attend a three hour session several times per week, based on one’s current needs. The goal of the IOP is to empower participants to support their own recovery, cope more effectively, prevent relapse and strengthen social relationships through group therapy.

Our program offers a wide array of group therapy topics such as Trauma groups, Co-Occurring groups, Music Therapy, Creative Expressions, and Wellness groups. We provide a “Women’s Group” and a “Men’s group” for individuals who may have a preference to work through more difficult, sensitive issues with peers of the same gender. In addition, we offer a Grief and Loss Group, Emotional Regulation Group, Personal Issues Group, Understanding Mental Health Group, Relapse Prevention Group, Women’s Empowerment Group, Stress Management Group, DBT Skills Group and Self-care Group.


Individuals  (18 years of age and older) living in central and eastern Montgomery County who are interested in joining the Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) and attending one or more of the groups they have available can call to schedule an intake at our Outpatient department. Contact an intake worker at our Outpatient & Intake Services building. If the individual is currently receiving other services from Central, you can schedule an IOP intake by calling Central’s Main Office.


Central’s Main Office

Certified Peer Specialist (CPS)

At Central, we offer peer support services to individuals who qualify and live within the boundaries of Central and Eastern Montgomery County. We provide CPS services to individuals with many different needs that can benefit from extra support and guidance. A CPS offers assistance and resources and are able to relate their experiences while walking side by side with people that are on a path of recovery. In addition, CPS’s are able to support individuals with co-occurring substance use disorders that may interfere with whole health recovery.

The CPS Generalist offers individuals support with a general goal oriented recovery plan. This may include maintaining ongoing recovery, community activities, integration, socialization, or extending guidance to someone towards the direction of other services. The CPS Generalist instills hope for recovery, encourages self-advocacy, peer choice and personal responsibility.

Our CPS Career Specialists support individuals preparing to return to the workforce and seek employment.  This includes support for building a resume, completing online applications, preparing for an interview connecting the applicant with current employers who are hiring, and understanding how future employment will affect current benefits. The career peer specialist can support the individual with managing their health and wellness to secure and maintain employment. They can discuss the advantages to gaining a job and how to utilize educational resources to further enhance career choices.

The Older Adult CPS provides community based supports for Older Adults (60 years and older) to help create a network of natural supports and to decrease isolation.  This CPS service can foster hope for an older adult by helping to create meaning in a person’s life.


Individuals eligible for peer support services have a serious mental illness with moderate to severe functional impairments in those areas supported by the team as indicated above. Their treatment history will indicate past hospitalization(s), past encounters with the mobile crisis unit, a history of attending community mental health or prison psychiatric services, and/or difficulty maintaining consistency in previous behavioral health treatment. Referrals can be initiated by another behavioral health professional, however, a physician, psychiatrist or licensed psychologist will review and recommend this service for the individual.


Central’s Main Office

Abington Area Services

Community Outreach Program

The Community Outreach Program has been established in the Norristown Area to provide support to persons who need assistance in accessing both behavioral health and general support services. Our Outreach specialist provides direct interaction with local businesses, social service agencies, shelters, police departments, hospitals, churches, the library, neighborhoods, and drop-in centers to identify persons in need of outreach and support, who may or may not already be receiving behavioral health services.

We strive to maintain a working, educational and supportive relationship with individuals, organizations and businesses in the Norristown area and surrounding communities in Montgomery County. We also aim to educate individuals and organization about the community services and resources available for them to access. It is our goal to collaborate with local behavioral health systems and respond to persons with behavioral health needs and co-occurring disorders who are experiencing difficulty in locating treatment, support, or meaningful social activities, and/or who may be homeless or in danger of becoming homeless. Work closely with the coordinators of homeless outreach center (CHOC).


Central’s Main Office

Clinical Wellness Recovery Team (CWRT)

The Clinical Wellness Recovery Team (CWRT) is a program aimed to help improve your physical and behavioral health care. Good physical health care and mental health care go hand in hand for overall good health. The CWRT team is here to support your health both physically and mentally. Our team consists of a registered nurse navigator and/or behavioral health navigator who work collaboratively with you to coordinate your care. Our team establishes communication with your Primary Care Physician (PCP) and Psychiatrist as well as any medical and behavioral health provider, treatment team member, and support system to help coordinate your care. Our team of navigators demonstrate a focus on interventions designed to coordinate your ongoing care. This could include helping you gain access to services, health and disease screening, and education regarding medications and diseases. Our navigators will act as health advocates to help you receive ongoing and appropriate care. They are able to support you in your home, at medical appointments and evaluations, and facilitate and advocate for medical follow-up when needed. In addition, some other services they are able to provide include: offering information and resources to you about help with tobacco cessation, exercise, dietary restrictions, and health maintenance. Our navigators provide health monitoring for you if you are being prescribed atypical antipsychotic medication. And, if you are having difficulty maintaining recommended treatment compliance, our navigators can help them work through barriers to adherence with your medical and behavioral health care.

Central Behavioral Health Brochure – CWRT


Individuals must be 18 years or older, have a serious mental illness (SMI) diagnosis as well as a chronic physical health problem, and live within eastern and central Montgomery County.  In addition, clients with medical assistance and insurance through Magellan will need to submit a recent psychiatric evaluation within the past year.


Central’s Main Office

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Program

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy. Although initially intended to help chronically suicidal individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, DBT has since been adapted for and used to effectively treat a number of other psychological problems. The central dialectic within DBT is to balance acceptance of the person exactly as s/he is in this moment with intense efforts to change the person’s life to increase adaptive functioning and decrease maladaptive behavior. The overarching goal of treatment with DBT is to help individuals develop “a life worth living.”

DBT was originally developed for individuals who suffered from borderline personality disorder, a psychological condition in which people have great difficulty managing their emotions. DBT has also been adapted to treat other psychological problems in which the clinical feature of the presenting symptoms stem from maladaptive efforts to control intense, negative emotions or emotional dysregulation.

 Central’s DBT program has four major components:

  • Weekly individual (one-to-one) therapy
  • Weekly group skills-training sessions
  • As-needed consultation between client and therapist outside of sessions
  • Weekly therapist consultation meeting in which DBT therapists meet to discuss their DBT cases

 Central’s DBT program requests a commitment of 6 months, with a mutual decision to recommit for an additional 6 months.  A participant would not be in the program longer than a year. The research studies conducted on DBT for BPD have all included one year of treatment or less. Unfortunately, this does not mean that individuals should expect to be completely free of symptoms or no longer have problem behaviors at one year. Research suggests that “behavioral control”, that is the absence of suicidal behaviors and other life-threatening behaviors as well as severe quality-of-life interfering behaviors, can often be achieved within four to eight months of comprehensive DBT.


Individuals, ages 18 years and older and living in eastern and central Montgomery County, who would like to begin this modality of treatment will first complete an intake through Central’s Outpatient department. Requirements include: identification of past attempts to have mental health needs met with other community based supports; diagnosis of borderline personality disorder or multiple mental health diagnoses, exhibiting behaviors characterized by impulsivity or intentional self-harm, and severe dysfunction across multiple life areas. Contact an intake worker at our Outpatient & Intake Services location to schedule your confidential appointment. Once the intake is completed, an application will be completed by your behavioral health professional and submitted to the DBT program. Participants must be willing to commit to participating in all individual and group skills appointments and we request a 6 month commitment when you begin this empirically supported program.


Outpatient & Intake Services

Outpatient Program

Central’s Outpatient program provides therapy services to people of all ages with minimal interference in their daily lives. Offerings include individual, family, and group therapy, as well as medication management. Both in-person and virtual appointments are available depending on the consumer’s needs and comfort level.


  • ADHD
  • Adjustment Disorder
  • Anger Management
  • Anxiety
  • Behavioral Issues
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Career/Work Concerns
  • Chronic Pain or Illness
  • Codependency Issues
  • Coping Skills
  • Depression
  • Divorce
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Eating Disorders
  • Family Conflict
  • Gender and Sexuality
  • Grief and Loss
  • Identity
  • Marital/Couples Concerns
  • Mood Disorders
  • OCD
  • Panic Disorder
  • Peer Relationships
  • Personal Growth
  • PTSD
  • Schizophrenia
  • Self-Esteem
  • Sexual Problems
  • Sleep Problems
  • Stress


Central offers same day intake assessments to new consumers, giving them the opportunity to receive immediate support. Both virtual and in-person assessments are available to individuals of all ages. Same Day Access hours are available Monday-Friday. Please call the intake department for more information.

We kindly ask individuals that are planning on coming to Central for Same Day Access to bring the following documents and information:

  • Photo ID
  • Social Security Number
  • All insurance cards
  • Current Medications
  • Any pertinent legal documents (ex: custody paperwork, probation orders, POA authorization)



All behavioral and mental health journeys at Central begin with a comprehensive assessment. Consumers may receive either an in-person or virtual assessment, where they are encouraged to have an open and honest discussion with one of our clinicians to ensure that they are directed to the right course of care. Once the clinician confirms that outpatient services is the best option for the individual, a treatment plan will be developed that is tailored to their goals.


Treatment plans are specific to each individual’s needs, however many of Central’s therapists utilize these common evidence-based practices:

  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Motivational Interviewing

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy is a form of psychological treatment that involves an individual changing their thinking and behavioral patterns using various strategies. CBT has proven to be effective for those experiencing depression, anxiety, marital problems, eating disorders, and more.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy is a type of talk therapy that focuses on helping an individual accept and change their reality and behaviors. DBT is most effective for individuals who struggle with intense emotions, behaviors, and thoughts.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a therapy technique that focuses on reprocessing internal and automatic responses caused by trauma through a combination of talk and sensory stimulation techniques. Although EMDR can help with many behavioral health issues, it is most commonly used for those that suffer from PTSD.

Motivational Interviewing is a therapy method that assists an individual discover the motivation they need to change a behavior. This method is very effective for those with a substance use disorder, weight loss, smoking, etc.


In order to participate in Central’s Outpatient program, an individual must be a resident of Montgomery County. Individuals of all ages are eligible for services. Please contact our intake department to confirm current availability of therapists credentialed with your insurance provider.

Outpatient & Intake Services

Abington Area Services

Recovery Coaching & Case Management

Central’s Recovery Coaching and Case Management Teams will share in a collaborative relationship with you and your supports to help you reach your desired life goals through ensuring you meet your basic life needs. Our Recovery Coaching and Case Management Teams focus on providing you with support to help you reach your desired outcomes while ensuring you are connected to resources along the way. Our team will not only connect you with appropriate support from Central’s 24 behavioral health programs but all necessary resources available to you in Montgomery County. Our services provide assistance in accessing appropriate resources, support and treatment as well as maintaining basic living needs and skills such as obtaining housing, food, medical care, recreation, education and employment.

Our Teams can help link you to the following supports and much more:

  • Housing/Homelessness
  • Crisis Intervention/ Prevention
  • Mental Health Treatment
  • Protection and Advocacy
  • Family and Community Support
  • Income Support and Entitlements
  • Community Connections
  • Physical Health Care
  • Rehabilitation Services
  • Information and Referrals
  • Socialization / Peer Support
  • 24/7 day availability
  • Support recovery process
  • Substance use disorder treatment


Any Montgomery County resident (18 years of age or older) living in the eastern and central Montgomery County area (Norristown, Conshohocken, Bridgeport, Abington, Willow Grove, Glenside and surrounding communities) and also being treated for a behavioral health and/or co-occurring disorders are eligible for this service.


Individuals referred to Recovery Coaching and Case Management Services will complete a “Montgomery County Recovery Coaching Referral Application” along with their provider (either within Central or an outside medical or behavioral health provider). Our Administrative Case Managers can also assist individuals with the application process. An Administrative Case Manager can be reached at: (610) 277-4600. Once the referral application is submitted, and approved, the individual will be assigned to a Recovery Coach and/or Case Manager to begin receiving support. There is no cost to the individual receiving Case Management Services; these programs are funded through federal, state, and county sources.

RC Referral Form

Locations and Contact Information

Norristown Area

1100 Powell Street, Norristown, PA 19401

(610) 277-4600

Abington Area

2500 Maryland Road, Suite 130 Dixon Building, Willow Grove, PA 19090

(267) 818-2220